FEEDBACK LOOPS When connections form feedback loops there are two patterns that can emerge: Balancing feedback loops and
Almost A Hero – Crafting Experiences Using Feedback Loops pt.2

FEEDBACK LOOPS When connections form feedback loops there are two patterns that can emerge: Balancing feedback loops and
PART 1 The article consists of two parts. In this first part, we will understand the basics of
One of my first games created in the RTS genre was Our Planet is Dying, a spaceship-themed game
Maybe you don’t know it, but in the older days, I was a professional musician. I’ve struggled for many years trying to find a relationship between both worlds. Can we find a relationship between Music Theory and Game Design Theory? How could we benefit from that?
Charles Eames is one of the most notable designers of our time. Like many notable designers of the past, according to his views game design wouldn’t be considered art. But is designing a game art? Can game design achieve the status of an art piece?
There are games with very innovative mechanics that seem familiar, although new. There are other games that have stunning graphics. And there are others like “Before We Leave” that have both. The economy of the game is innovative, yet easy to grasp. How can you achieve this balance?
To learn Systems Design you first have to understand Systems Thinking. Once you are already familiar with real-world systems, you’ll notice that they are everywhere. But the real power is achieved once you’re able to translate a well-known real-world system to a game world…